Hetero Male, 67, KW Ontario, Canada 









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  KW Ontario


 5' 8"

 153 lbs





I have a strong interest in subs who derive pleasure from teasing and massages, like to discuss your needs etc during our interview.I believe in the loving 50s type of strict discipline and panties off.

You can expect...

a red, sore bottom! Unless you are after an introduction to physical discipline with the lightest of kings, you will probably want to feel the effects of your session. Expect to feel the short-term sting and burn of a good king.
to have a discussion regarding your reasons for punishment.
to be disciplined accordingly by an experienced, educated, talented, caring, understanding, respectful male.
forgiveness for any real life transgressions, misdeeds, ill thoughts, procrastination and bad behavior, after your punishment.
a general feeling of well-being and and freshness after the session.
emotional relief from harbored guilt or repressed frustrations.
acceptance of your need for physical discipline - its more popular than you think!
privacy and confidentiality.
encouragement to fulfill your goals, dreams and aspirations.

5/21/2017 7:19:12 AM: Star pupil ends up with low marks Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 A story by Thomas It was the last week of term and, in the main hall, after morn­ing assem­bly, the mem­bers of Class IVB were wait­ing with more or less appre­hen­sion for their turn in Miss Svenson’s study for an indi­vid­ual pupil review. This was a rou­tine estab­lished by the Head­mistress when she first came to the school some five years before and the I.P.R. had now become a reg­u­lar tra­di­tion. Each child had to have a short inter­view with the Head in the pres­ence of their form teacher to assess their progress dur­ing the pre­vi­ous term in aca­d­e­mic and other school activ­i­ties and gen­eral behav­iour. Some of the four­teen and fif­teen year old young­sters had come to call it “Judg­ment Day” and oth­ers, more irrev­er­ently, “The Con­fes­sional”. In her room the Head­mistress checked her diary for any other urgent busi­ness and, see­ing that there was none listed, went to a cor­ner cup­board from which she selected a fierce look­ing straight cane. After test­ing its flex­i­bil­ity with a flour­ish in the air, she laid it gen­tly on her desk, like an auctioneer’s gavel, a sym­bol of author­ity and control. At 9.15 pre­cisely Miss Pren­der­gast sum­moned Melanie Barker, the first in alpha­bet­i­cal order, and instructed the oth­ers to fol­low as their names were called, and in the mean time to sit qui­etly. Melanie knocked at the study door and entered to find the Head­mistress sit­ting behind her desk in front of which was a straight backed chair. Miss Pren­der­gast stood to one side. ‘Sit down Barker,’ said Miss Sven­son gen­tly, indi­cat­ing the chair. ‘Now tell me, how have you been get­ting on this term?’ ‘Fine I think,’ the lit­tle girl replied a lit­tle ner­vously as she took her place on the chair and glanced at the Class teacher. ‘Melanie is an ideal pupil,’ Miss Pren­der­gast vol­un­teered imme­di­ately. ‘She works hard and does as well as she can in all her classes although she is not among the top achiev­ers. But she tries and her behav­iour can­not be faulted. Also she plays the flute most beau­ti­fully.’ ‘That seems most sat­is­fac­tory Barker,’ said the Head­mistress with a kind smile. ‘Now is there any­thing more I can do for you?’ ‘No, noth­ing thank you Miss,’ the girl replied again shift­ing her eyes towards Miss Pren­der­gast, who gave the slight­est nod of assent. ‘Very well Barker, you may go — and have a good hol­i­day won’t you,’ said Miss Sven­son to the depart­ing pupil. ‘Delight­ful child,’ remarked the Head­mistress as the door closed. ‘Let us hope that the rest of your class live up to her exam­ple.’ ‘They’re not a bad lot all in all,’ replied Miss Pren­der­gast enthu­si­as­ti­cally, ‘but per­haps not all quite as well-behaved as Melanie.’ The next through the door was a freckle faced cheer­ful look­ing boy named Joseph Carter who was also invited to sit down. ‘Miss Pren­der­gast?’ The senior teacher looked straight away at the teacher for her com­ments. ‘Joe is a rather lively boy, good at his sci­ence sub­jects but rather weak in most of the oth­ers at which he should work harder. He is pop­u­lar with the other boys and plays in the foot­ball team.’ ‘So Carter, would you agree with your teacher? And do you have any­thing to ask me?’ The boy paused for a moment, then responded. ‘I think it was very fair Miss. So just the two please.’ Miss Sven­son glanced at her col­league and, observ­ing no dis­sent, stood up and took hold of the cane. ‘Very well. Get your­self ready.’ Joe Carter also stood and moved behind the chair, then bent for­ward over its back plac­ing his hands flat on the seat. ‘By your own admis­sion, you have engaged in a cer­tain amount of minor mis­chief dur­ing the term which has gone unno­ticed or unpun­ished. As a result you have vol­un­teered to receive two strokes of the cane after which the school will con­sider the mat­ter over and done with. That is, of course, unless we sub­se­quently dis­cover some­thing more seri­ous in which case you know the pun­ish­ment could be rather severe. Do you agree?’ ‘Yes Miss. Thank you Miss,’ replied the boy from his sub­mis­sive position. Two sharp cracks of the cane swished down across the boy’s shorts caus­ing him to suck in air through his clenched teeth. How­ever, Miss Pren­der­gast noticed that the Head­mistress was hold­ing the cane about a quar­ter of the way down, slightly reduc­ing the sever­ity of the blows. Jo stood up and rubbed him­self rue­fully. Then the cheer­ful smile returned as he said ‘Thank you Miss. Will that be all?’ ‘That’s alright Carter. You may go now. Well done – and enjoy your holidays.’ Miss Sven­son gave the boy a dis­mis­sive but good humoured wave as he let him­self out of the room. And so they con­tin­ued down the list, about half of the boys and fewer of the girls opt­ing for the “Two” which were deliv­ered by Miss Sven­son in accor­dance with her own judg­ment of each of the pupils. The ratio­nale was to leave with a clean slate at the end of the term with lit­tle fear of later recrimination. The best behaved were able to avoid any pun­ish­ment pro­vided both teach­ers agreed. Every entrant to the school had received two of the cane at their ini­ti­a­tion to the I.P.R. sys­tem. These were very much token strokes though and deliv­ered with­out any real force. They served to give the child a gen­tle taste of what they might expect if they later mis­be­haved and reminded them that cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment was not only avail­able, but would be used in the event of sig­nif­i­cant mis­deeds. When Mar­tin Kelly came in, Miss Pren­der­gast gave the Head­mistress a mean­ing­ful frown. Mar­tin was a big and boy, already taller than Miss Sven­son and looked a lit­tle clumsy when perched on the class­room chair. ‘So, Miss Pren­der­gast, who do we have here?’ ‘Mar­tin is cap­tain of the foot­ball team but strug­gles with his lessons. I think he could try harder aca­d­e­m­i­cally. Per­haps sport dom­i­nates his thoughts a lit­tle too much. He is also rather force­ful in the play­ground and I am afraid some of the smaller boys seem a lit­tle afraid of him.’ The Head­mistress turned to the boy. ‘So you are a bully, are you Kelly?’ ‘No Miss. I mean.…I just expect the lit­tle kids to do what I tell them, see?’ ‘Well, I can­not agree with that. You should under­stand that pupils have no author­ity here. It is the staff who must be obeyed. Any­way boy, after what your teacher has said, tell me what you expect from me.’ ‘Maybe twoooo.…errr…’ the boy hes­i­tated and looked across to Miss Pren­der­gast who was shak­ing her head. ‘Bet­ter make it four for me then Miss.’ ‘A very wise choice I think Kelly,’ replied Miss Sven­son as she again reached for her cane. ‘You know the form I believe. Trousers down and over the back of the chair please. I sug­gest you grip the seat as well. You will be feel­ing these.’ Gri­mac­ing slightly the big boy com­plied. Because of his size, he was one of the few allowed to wear long trousers and con­se­quently looked par­tic­u­larly ridicu­lous draped over the chair with them around his ankles. The teach­ers were, how­ever, not unhappy that he should feel addi­tion­ally humil­i­ated in this way. Miss Sven­son took up her posi­tion and set to her task, this time using the full length of the cane. Four remark­ably vig­or­ous strokes fol­lowed, crash­ing across the seat of the boy’s under­pants, each care­fully timed to allow the hurt to sink in thor­oughly before the next impact, and caus­ing a grunt of pain after the sec­ond and a sti­fled yell of sur­prise at the sever­ity of the last. ‘You may stand up now,’ said the Head­mistress. ‘Do you have any­thing to say?’ Mar­tin was strug­gling to recover his trousers. ‘No Miss, I mean yes Miss, thank you Miss.’ ‘In which case you may go, but remem­ber, I will not accept any bul­ly­ing in this school.’ After Kelly had closed the door behind him, Miss Sven­son turned imme­di­ately to Miss Pren­der­gast to ask ‘do you think I was too harsh?’ ‘No Head­mistress. You were quite right to pun­ish that boy. I hope now he will have learned his les­son.’ ‘So, how many more are there this morning?’ Another half dozen class mem­bers filed through of whom only one opted for ‘two’ and the oth­ers were allowed to leave unscathed. Then an excep­tion­ally pretty girl with cropped blond hair entered the study, flashed a smile and greeted them enthu­si­as­ti­cally with, ‘good morn­ing ladies!’ ‘Good morn­ing,’ Miss Sven­son replied, ‘remind me of your name please.’ ‘Vicky Roberts, Miss.’ ‘And what do we know about Miss Roberts?’ she asked, turn­ing again to the class teacher. ‘Vicky is a viva­cious girl, per­haps occa­sion­ally a lit­tle too much so, but gen­er­ally a good pupil. She is above aver­age in most sub­jects and par­tic­u­larly good at Eng­lish. She is also a hockey player and our best all-round ath­lete on the run­ning track. Recently I have noticed she is also spend­ing a good deal of time work­ing on her gymnastics.’ ‘Well Miss Roberts, that sounds like a pretty good report to me,’ said Miss Sven­son. ‘But do you have any­thing to add?’ The girl paused for a moment before replying. ‘I think I’d bet­ter take two any­way Miss, just to be on the safe side.’ With no fur­ther fuss she moved around to the back of the chair and leaned for­ward to pre­pare her­self for the requested pun­ish­ment. The Head­mistress stood, moved in behind her and, as she approached, she flicked at the hem of the girl’s skirt with the tip of her cane. ‘I sus­pect that this is a few inches shorter than school rules allow, so.…..’ the skirt flipped up briefly reveal­ing a glimpse of under­wear. ‘What do we have here?’ asked Miss Sven­son in a sud­denly more seri­ous voice. Again using her cane, she folded the girl’s skirt up to the small of her back expos­ing the skimp­i­est pair of red panties. ‘These are cer­tainly not reg­u­la­tion school knick­ers. Which means young lady that you will be get­ting extra pun­ish­ment. And you have dou­ble cause to regret not wear­ing appro­pri­ate cloth­ing in that the four strokes you will now be get­ting will be deliv­ered over under­wear only. Had you been cor­rectly dressed you would have had just two with extra pro­tec­tion from the more gen­er­ous mate­r­ial of the school knick­ers and the skirt. Now you will receive four with your skirt up. So let this be a les­son to you.’ Despite her slim waist and prob­a­bly because of her ath­letic prowess, Vicky Roberts had sturdy legs and rather well devel­oped Glu­teus Max­imus mus­cles, thus afford­ing Miss Sven­son an ample dis­play of mainly unpro­tected flesh, over which she pro­ceeded care­fully to space four lively strokes of the cane. The tiny briefs she wore offered vir­tu­ally no defense against the blows. As they fell, vivid red marks appeared in a neat par­al­lel pat­tern. Miss Pren­der­gast was sur­prised that Vicky dis­played no vis­i­ble reac­tion to the lash­ing, which seemed almost as hard as that Kelly had taken a lit­tle while earlier. The pun­ish­ment com­plete, Vicky stood up and gin­gerly smoothed the skirt over her bot­tom. ‘I imag­ine you will think twice about school uni­form now my girl,’ Miss Sven­son observed. ‘Maybe Miss, I’ll see how I feel,’ came the response. Miss Sven­son was momen­tar­ily taken aback but swiftly rejoined, ‘I’ll have no cheek from you thank you very much young lady or you will be bend­ing over for four more.’ She flour­ished the cane in the air but a slight smile played about her lips. ‘I think it is high time you were on your way before you get into any more trouble.’ ‘Yes Miss and thank you Miss. And have a great hol­i­day ladies.’ Vicky Roberts flounced out of the room with a swing of her hips and appar­ently not a care in the world. The teach­ers glanced at each other and could not help smil­ing. ‘So Miss Pren­der­gast, who’s next?’ ‘Well Roberta Young and Christo­pher Williams are both off sick today so that just leaves James Thomas and I don’t think you will have any trou­ble with him.’ ‘Good. Then call him in please and then we can have a cup of coffee.’ James Thomas was the small­est boy in the class and glanced ner­vously at the Head­mistress’ desk as he set­tled on the chair. ‘I hear from Miss Pren­der­gast that you are one of her star pupils Thomas,’ began Miss Sven­son. ‘Now let me see. Very good at all aca­d­e­mic sub­jects, almost always top in French and sur­prised even your­self by get­ting 100% in the recent Chem­istry test. I under­stand that you are very polite, a promis­ing young crick­eter and the best gym­nast in the school.’ Miss Sven­son stood up absent-mindedly, col­lected her cane and turned towards the cor­ner cup­board. ‘I can­not there­fore think that I will be need­ing this again today.’ ‘Sorry Miss but actu­ally you will,’ said the boy sheep­ishly. Look­ing sur­prised, the Head­mistress swung round and glanced at Miss Pren­der­gast who also seemed con­fused. ‘So what exactly do you mean by that Thomas?’ came the inevitable ques­tion. ‘Six please Miss.’ Both ladies looked bewil­dered. ‘I hope you under­stand what you are ask­ing Thomas but I will explain to be on the safe side. You would have us believe that you have done some­thing very naughty dur­ing the term which has not been found out yet. As a result you have requested six with the cane which will, as the rules state, be deliv­ered on your bare bot­tom. Now tell me, have I beaten you before?’ ‘Only the two when I first came to the school Miss.’ ‘Well let me tell you, six of the best is a very seri­ous pun­ish­ment for which you really have no com­pre­hen­sion. Now, are you sure you wish to con­tinue?’ ‘Yes Miss. That is what I want.’ ‘Very well. Get up and go behind the chair, drop your shorts and pants and bend over. I rec­om­mend you get a good grip on the seat as I don’t want you mov­ing until the pun­ish­ment is fin­ished.’ Miss Pren­der­gast looked very appre­hen­sive as the small boy did as he was told, low­er­ing his shorts and slip­ping his under­pants down. In con­trast to Vicky Roberts, James Thomas offered a very much smaller tar­get for the Head­mistress to aim at. Her face set grimly how­ever, she set­tled to the task and took a first swing. The cane slashed across the boys but­tocks caus­ing him to jerk con­vul­sively. He was just able to set­tle again as the sec­ond came down almost on the same spot and this time he could not con­trol him­self, straight­en­ing up and his hands leav­ing the chair and clutch­ing behind him as if to pro­tect himself. ‘Thomas! Get back down,’ said Miss Sven­son in her sternest voice. ‘Nor­mally, as you have failed to main­tain the posi­tion, I should start all over again. How­ever, as this is your first proper can­ing, I will waive that rule and you will receive only another four strokes. Miss Pren­der­gast, we need some help here. Please come and hold the boy down so I can fin­ish this with­out any more trouble.’ The teacher, with a rather hor­ri­fied expres­sion on her face, came and stood in front of the boy. Gen­tly she wiped the trace of a tear off his cheek and took hold of his wrists. ‘Come on now James,’ she said, ‘be brave – we can get through this together.’ Obe­di­ently the boy bent for­ward again and his class teacher gripped him firmly to hold his hands against the sides of the chair seat. The remain­ing four strokes fell in sequence, a short pause between each as cus­tom­ary. When he was released, the boy took a lit­tle time to stand up straight and felt gin­gerly at his bot­tom, winc­ing notice­ably as his fin­gers brushed the area where the cane had grazed the sur­face of his skin, and again where the angry red stripes were already begin­ning to merge into a large dark pur­ple bruise. ‘Do you have any­thing to say for your­self?’ asked his Head­mistress. ‘Yes Miss. Thank you Miss,’ he replied as he regained his com­po­sure. ‘You now under­stand why I was reluc­tant to allow you to take six of the best?’ ‘Yes Miss.’ ‘I hope at least this will mean that this need never be repeated while you are at this school.’ ‘Yes Miss. I sup­pose so Miss.’ ‘Now you may go. I can­not imag­ine you will enjoy the first few days of your hol­i­day because you will feel very sore indeed. But at the begin­ning of next term we will start afresh. Now off you go.’ James Thomas eased his under­pants and shorts up over his throb­bing rear end and shuf­fled uncom­fort­ably out of the room. ‘Do you have any idea what that was all about Miss Prendergast?’ ‘No Miss Sven­son, I just can­not understand.’ ‘Well I think you need keep an espe­cially close eye on two of your pupils. He is a good gym­nast you say, so is fre­quently in the gym I sup­pose. And did you not just tell me that young Vicky Roberts was sud­denly also spend­ing a lot more time there? Just think about it.’ ‘Head­mistress, oh no! Surely not that!’

5/21/2017 7:01:36 AM: The School room My new school room is a labour of love, a homage to the Eng­lish gram­mar schools of the 1950s. the golden age of school cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment. I have spent many happy hours dec­o­rat­ing and fur­nish­ing it, so that it feels authen­tic, and of the period, not just any old room with a few cheap props. The room is big­ger than my study in Penge, which some of you will remem­ber, and feels more like an old-fashioned class­room, with bare wooden floor­boards, a cou­ple of desks, a black­board and a stout wooden desk behind which your stern, unsmil­ing teacher will sit, ready to strike like a cobra if you step out of line. And I do mean strike! From the moment you enter the room, you will be a naughty school­boy again, ner­vous of ret­ri­bu­tion at the hands of your beau­ti­ful, mer­ci­less teacher. If you want to enter into the spirit by wear­ing short school trousers, I will be able to sup­ply you with some. Give your imag­i­na­tion full rein. While you are in the room, under my strict and expert super­vi­sion, you will be able to for­get about every­thing else and just be a scared school­boy again. You might be tested on geog­ra­phy and arith­metic — and pun­ished if your answers are not up to scratch. You might be made to sit at your desk, writ­ing lines, prepara­tory to a more seri­ous pun­ish­ment. Or you might face the humil­i­a­tion of being put across my knee for a crisp bare-bottom spank­ing. Imag­ine your squeals of protest. Imag­ine your bot­tom red­den­ing as my hand lands on it again and again. Imag­ine… Bot­tom spanked, you will prob­a­bly be made to stand in the cor­ner, with your hands on your head and your bot­tom exposed. And if you think a spanked bot­tom will be the end of your trou­bles, you can­not have attended a tough gram­mar Eng­lish school in the 1950s. Unless you really are on your best behav­iour, you will find your­self bent over my desk, with your trousers at half mast, for six of the very best with my senior cane. Trav­el­ling back down Mem­ory Lane to one’s child­hood can some­times be a plea­sur­able expe­ri­ence. But travel down this par­tic­u­lar Mem­ory Lane, back into the world of the naughty school­boy of bygone days, and the plea­sure will be spiced with a tin­gling pain in the part of your anatomy where it will do most good.’ Just off my school­room, and also dec­o­rated with lov­ing atten­tion to period detail, is a small box room which I have con­verted into a naughty boy’s bed­room, com­plete with suit­able read­ing mat­ter etc. Many was the boy who used to be sent to bed with a smacked bot­tom in the 1950s and 1960s and, for those of you wish to re-enact that expe­ri­ence, I am happy to offer a B & B expe­ri­ence. (NB: this is only avail­able to clients whom I have already met.) A friend of mine called Michael recently became the first to test the new B & B expe­ri­ence, and here is his feedback: ‘Wow! I mean ouch! That was like a table­spoon of tabasco added to an already siz­zling hot curry. The role play was just bril­liant. A final six of the best with the cane in the class­room, then straight to bed with no sup­per and a warn­ing that you expected lights out at nine o’clock sharp — or else! Need­less to say, I broke the rules and copped it. When you checked up on me at nine-fifteen and found me read­ing a book by torch-light under the bed­clothes, you were absolutely furi­ous. My pyjama bot­toms came down and I felt the full force of your hair­brush over your knee, then a dozen with the strap lying face down on the bed with a pil­low under the stom­ach. I fell asleep with a throb­bing bot­tom and your final words ring­ing in my ear. ‘I will fin­ish deal­ing with you before break­fast.’ It is the first time I have been caned before break­fast. It was agony, but rounded off a truly mem­o­rable night in the best pos­si­ble way. Thanks again, dear Miss Svenson.’

4/12/2017 1:04:34 PM: Lois’s Lesson by Zebsaid “Young lady!!” summoned Professor Janet Trumbly, an attractive, authoritative woman wearing a white blouse and black miniskirt. Lois immediately snapped her head up from behind the computer screen. It had to be the professor calling, it was late at night and they were the only ones left in the building. Lois stared blankly at the wall as she heard the click of her teacher’s high heels approaching from down the hallway. “Young lady!!!!” called her biology professor in a slightly more agitated tone. “Yes ma’am,” the younger woman answered in a shy hesitant tone. The imposing figure of a tall woman suddenly encompassed the doorway of the lab. “Why didn’t you answer me the first time? I know you heard me,” she reprimanded with an icy stare directed at Lois. The younger woman shuddered in response to the slight scolding from the tall elegant woman. Lois was only a 20 year-old sophomore with the rare opportunity to intern for such a well respected expert. Professor Trumbly was known to be tough on her interns, but they all went on to brilliant careers. Lois quickly averted her gaze in retreat from her mentor’s intense stare. She felt herself beginning to regress into a little girl. . “Answer my question,” Professor Trumbly commanded, “and tread very carefully my dear,” she warned. “I…I didn’t hear you,” the shy student stammered with an awkward grin. In a swift coordinated motion, Professor Trumbly leaned down and swiveled Lois’s chair around to face her. She anchored her hands onto the arms of the chair, and leaned directly into Lois’s face. The grin vanished. The younger woman let out a gasp, suddenly startled by the fierceness with which her professor confronted her. “Your lies are quite charming,” Janet commented smugly, her face just an inch away from Lois’s. “However, I think you often forget just who you are addressing young lady,” she added sternly. “Yes ma’am,” Lois answered in a flat monotonous tone. “Yes ma’am?” Janet mocked in a condescending voice. Lois responded, “Yes ma’am, I will try to address you in a much more respectful…” “NO!! You WILL address me with a thoroughly humble and respectful tone of voice and behavior young lady. Do you understand me?” she abruptly interrupted. “Yes…yes ma’am. I will… I will be very… respectful,” Lois frantically assured her teacher, as she lowered her head and began to fidget nervously. The towering presence of the tall beautiful woman leaning over her greatly intimidated Lois. She began to tremble. Professor Trumbly was 5′ 8″ 33 year-old Brazilian-French beauty with long black curly hair and sleek muscular figure. Student’s called her “Amazon Woman.” Her body was so different from Lois’s slight mid-western build that the young woman felt drawn to her. Lois was only 5’3″ and described as “boyish” with a slender waist , small breasts and a cute round bottom. The professor quietly studied her captive for a moment, greatly intrigued by Lois’s submission, yet reveling in her own power and control over the girl. “You are afraid aren’t you?” “Yes ma’am,” Lois offered meekly, pushing her blonde hair behind her ears. “Well you should be,” the professor confirmed with calm dominance. “Okay, get up. Now!” Janet ordered as she offered her hand to Lois. “No…I…,” Lois started and then abruptly reconsidered as she saw the angry frown settle into her teacher’s brow. “That is positively the LAST time this evening that you will tell me ‘No’ young lady. I suppose I will have to make myself unquestionably clear,” she emphasized as she arched her eyebrows. “Now get up from that chair. Right now!” Lois obeyed quickly. The younger woman stood quivering before her professor like a naughty child awaiting punishment; she knew the punishment would come and in abundance. The tall elegant figure stepped forward and enveloped the tiny frame of the younger woman. As she reached out and clasped Lois’s shivering hand, she felt the girl’s pulse racing wildly. Confidently, she led her student out of the lab and down the hallway. She brought Lois into her back office and motioned for her to be seated on a chair by the desk. Lois obeyed. As the professor sat back on her desk, she reached out and slowly caressed the young girl’s cheek with the back of her hand. Lois swooned at the tenderness of the caress. Then Janet slowly withdrew her hand. She turned and walked behind her desk where she began to stroke her long dark hair with an antique cherry wood hairbrush. She stared into the mirror at the reflection of the vulnerable young woman seated behind her. Lois also watched intently as Janet brushed her thick beautiful hair, staring at her teacher’s large firm breasts, thin waist and tear-shaped bottom. The silence between the women prolonged the anticipation. “Do you enjoy telling me lies?” Janet asked, still looking in the mirror. “No. No ma’am. I don’t mean to tell lies. I just… I forget sometimes,” Lois attempted to explain, her pale blue eyes turning watery. “Yes, I know you forget,” she agreed with an amused smile. “And do you equally enjoy talking back to me?” she asked with an entertained lilt to her voice. “No ma’am. I would never talk back to you,” the nervous girl answered. “Well then, you are telling me a lie right now,” the professor added soberly. “And will you likewise enjoy the spanking you are about to receive across my lap for your lies and back talk?” she asked, slapping the back of the hairbrush down on her hand and abruptly turning to face Lois. Lois felt thoroughly humiliated by the scolding. She hung her head and sat in nervous silence. She felt genuinely ashamed because she knew that she had earned her teacher’s discipline. “Answer my question!” The disrespect of Lois’s silence angered her. Lois snapped her head up in complete terror, but continued to tremble in silence. “Answer me young lady!!” she screamed. “How many times have you laid across my lap sobbing because you know you deserve what I give you? How many times have you silently begged for a spanking from me to admonish the disobedience of your lies and disrespect? And how many times, my dear, have you secretly worshipped my hand after I have thoroughly worn your sweet little bottom out?” She raged, “Answer me girl!!! Have you lied to me today?!!!” “Yes…yes I have lied to you ma’am. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m very, very sorry for lying. I…I really am,” Lois professed. “Do you need to be spanked?” Janet asked, “Hmmm? Do you?” “I’m not sure,” Lois hesitated. She approached Janet and sat down softly beside her on the floor. “You’re going to spank me anyway, aren’t you?” Lois asked as tears welled up in her eyes. “I don’t know, am I?” Janet cooed rubbing the girl’s head. “Yes ma’am,” said Lois quietly. “Are you sure?” she asked one more time to dispel any doubt. “Yes ma’am, I am sure,” Lois passively confirmed. “All right, stand up,” she ordered. Janet sat down in the chair and drew Lois near her.. Janet smirked as began unbuttoning the demure girl’s tight jeans and let out a slight giggle as the clothing slowly lowered around Lois’s waist. “There,” she said, as she quickly yanked the jeans into a heap around Lois’s ankles. As Lois stood before her disciplinarian, she ambivalently contemplated her impending punishment. She felt scared, yet excited. She would love it, and she would hate it. She would cry… Janet looked up and met Lois’s sad, anxious gaze with a gentle smile. “What’s this sad mistreated look?” she joked with a smile as she clasped Lois’s wrists in her hands and pulled the repentant girl across her lap. “Did you think if you flashed those sweet little blue eyes and sniffed just a little that I might feel sorry for you? Hmmm? Did you think I might change my mind about taking you over my knee? Hmmm?” she lured as she rubbed the young girl’s bottom, giving her pantie-covered backside a preparatory massage. “No, I don’t think so,” said Lois. “Here you are face down , naughty bottom pointing to the sky. And my, my, my what nice red glow you are going to have when I get through with you.” She raised her hand and smacked Lois’s bottom sharply. “OH!!” Lois gasped. Janet resumed rubbing the girl’s bottom. As she circled the area she had just struck and waited for Lois’s heaving breaths to subside, she felt her own face growing flush with excitement. Then she spanked Lois again and continued with ten to twelve sharp slaps which graduated in severity. Lois kicked, and tried to squirm her bottom away from the stinging slaps but Janet held her down firmly and spanked her soundly. Janet briefly halted her assault, and once again began soothing Lois’s stinging bottom. “Quit squirming dear, or I will have to pull your panties down,” she threatened. “NO!! DON’T!!” Lois impulsively blurted out before she realized what she had said. The rubbing immediately stopped. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOUNG LADY?” Janet’s temper erupted. Lois lay paralyzed in horror. Oh, how could she have just said it! How dare she defy her professor in such a rude manner! She trembled in anticipation of the response from her punisher. “What did you say, young lady?!” she growled as her hand clenched Lois’s bottom., “I…I didn’t mean it ma’am. I’m really…I’m sorr…” The timid voice trailed off. “I ASKED YOU WHAT YOU SAID!!” Janet screamed. “I…I said…no…,” the frightened young woman stammered and then paused. “Yes, and…” she urged impatiently, “Speak up child!” “Please, it just hurts so bad already. Please don’t take down my panties. Please,” Lois pleaded. “Does it really hurt?” Janet remarked sarcastically. “And did you think I was just going to toss you over my lap and tap your little bottom a few times after the way you have repeatedly challenged me all day? Answer me, you spoiled whining brat.” “NO!!” Lois blurted out in a loud impatient tone of voice. “WHAT?!!” she questioned in complete disbelief. “No ma’am. I said no ma’am,” Lois frantically tried to convince her teacher. “Your foolish challenges will stop right this minute. Do you understand me?” she scolded. “Yes ma’am.” “And when I ask you a question I want an expedient and intelligible answer. Is that clear?” “Yes ma’am.” “And when I tell you to do something, you do it without hesitation and without back talk.” “Yes ma’am.” Lois lay quivering across her teacher’s lap in terror. She had been harshly scolded, and she felt completely humiliated. “Now sweetheart, I want you to pull your little pink panties down to your ankles right now,” she ordered calmly in an overtly patronizing tone. Lois whimpered an inaudible response as she looked back, and then slowly began sliding her panties down as ordered. Already embarrassed over her teacher’s knee, Lois’s face reddened as her panties slipped over her nether hips and revealed her round firm bottom. Janet swelled with authority as the young woman finished lowering her panties, and then tensed her body in anticipation. “Now what is it that you are so obediently waiting for? Shall I teach you a real good lesson this time? Hmmm…” she tempted. “Yes ma’am,” Lois whimpered. “How hard shall I spank you dear?” she teased, pushing Lois’s cotton shirt up her back to fully reveal the girl’s tense, round bottom. “Real… hard… ma’am,” Lois sobbed. Janet began rubbing the cool wood of the cherry hairbrush on Lois’s behind. “Not the bush…” sobbed the girl, “…nnnnooo…” Janet raised the bush over her head and let it land with three quick, sharp slaps. She continued to spank slowly, pausing to delight in her victim’s reaction. As the rhythm of the spanking progressed and intensified, the spanks gradually increased in severity as well, and Lois’s bottom reddened deeper with each slap. After a long series of steady smacks, she suddenly gripped Lois tightly and bore down on her bottom with ten harsh punishing whacks. Lois bucked and kicked as her teacher spanked her ass to a bright scarlet tint. “OUCH! OUCH! OOOUUUCH!” Lois cried out with each blow, “IT HURTS, IT HURTS…..PLEEZZZ!!!! “Is your bottom starting to sting a little?” she teased as she rubbed each tender cheek with the bush. “Oh God, I’m on fire. It hurts sooo much. Please ma’am, please no more,” Lois begged. WHACK!! WHACK!! “OHH!!” Lois cried, and she reached her hand back to protect her sore bottom. “Take your hand away NOW, young lady!” she snapped. Lois obeyed. “Are we getting a little tender back here?” she teased while circling the red hot globes. “Ohhhh…yes ma’am,” Lois moaned. WHACK!! WHACK! WHACK!! “OHHHH!!” Lois yelled as she reflexively darted her hand to her flaming backside. “I would LOVE to use a belt on you right now. Just give me one more reason,” Janet threatened, pulling Lois’s hand away. “Okay, okay…please, please. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Lois pleaded as she quickly removed her hand. WHACK!! WHACK!! “OHHHHH….” Lois groaned. “Did you want to tell any more lies while you have my undivided attention?” she toyed. “No! No! No more lies! No more lies!” Lois desperately vowed. “Are you sure?” she lured flippantly. “Yes ma’am, I am quite sure,” Lois asserted. Janet finished with a flurry of slaps and a final warning, “This means SLAP WHACK no more SPANK SMACK rude behavior SLAP SMACK doesn’t it SPANK SLAP CRACK young lady!” “Yes, yes…” sobbed the girl. The two women remained silent for several moments, breathing heavy from the activity. Janet gently caressed Lois’s flaming bottom, as the young girl’s sobbing slowly subsided. “Come up here sweetheart. Let me hold you,” Janet whispered softly. Lois slowly raised herself up from her teacher’s knees. The fragile younger woman stood up, wiping the tears off of her face with the back of her hand, and Janet pulled her petite student onto her lap. She tenderly embraced Lois, cradling the beautiful young woman’s blonde head under her chin. “Are you all right dear?” she asked quietly. “Yes, I’m fine,” Lois answered. She lifted her head to gaze at her teacher’s face and was greeted with Janet’s reassuring eyes and warm smile. Lois returned a beaming grin. ” Did you enjoy that?” Lois asked enthusiastically. “Oh yes, very much. Very much my sweet,” the older woman replied. Lois smiled at her teacher once again, and then settled her head against the woman’s chest. Grinning, Lois began unbuttoning Janet’s blouse, kissing her bra straps and cleavage. “You’re such a wicked professor, do you know that?” Lois commented between kisses and licks. “Yes, I know,” Janet sighed breathlessly, “but you are my naughtiest intern, therefore you deserve the wickedest treatment,” she smirked. “I never have to look very hard to find a reason to take you over my knee.” By now, Lois had unsnapped the front of teacher’s bra and tenderly sucked each of her dark brown nipples. “Since when do you need a reason?” Lois casually remarked as she removed her own top and sat naked straddling her teacher’s lap, massaging and licking her breasts. As Janet began to unzip the back of her black skirt, she reached around and smacked her student smartly on each of her bare cheeks. The two women looked at each other, laughed and embraced.

1/20/2017 5:44:18 AM: The 50's was full of heavy-handed punishment. As seen with the teacher in the film, singling out students, yelling at them, and generally making them feel like crappy people wasn't exactly frowned upon. Corporal punishment was still prevalent pretty much everywhere. Generally, boys would get caned and girls would get slapped on the knuckles with rulers. Students were rarely expected to 'talk back' which is another way of saying not allowing them to explain their actions. The philosophy was generally that there was 'nothing that a good whupping' couldn't take out of students. This is in a time that many forms of negative reinforcement were still used in class-rooms, and often seen as more useful than positive reinforcement. Teacher right, student wrong, end of story.

3/31/2016 8:08:43 AM: Most D/s articles on the Internet talk about punishment in terms of spanking. “If you do not obey, I will spank you.” But how does this work if the submissive or slave actually likes to be spanked? Kind of like”please don’t throw me in the briar patch.” Here we will catalogue punishments you can actually use in the real time training of a slave/submissive. First, Let’s start with some basic punishment principles. It is always important to gear the punishment to the infraction. Let the punishment fit the crime. When a minor infraction gets a major punishment, you are sending the wrong signal. Try to administer punishment as closely as possible to the time of the infraction. In this way the sub/slave will not only be properly and predictably disciplined, but will also respect his/her Dominant. Never let a punishment cause injury. Never, ever use a hard limit as a punishment. And, finally, always start the punishment with a lecture/explanation. There is a debate as to whether punishment sessions should have safe words. Some Masters/Doms/Dommes allow them, others do not. It is a matter of preference, style, how well the Dominant knows the submissive and, of course, how experienced the Dominant is. Those Dominants who do not allow safe words should always err on the side of safety. My feeling is that in the beginning of a D/s relationship, use safe words all the time – in play and in punishment. As should all novice Dominants. As the Dominant?s knowledge of the submissive – and as the submissive’s trust in the Dominant grows – safe words can be done away with. Carefully. There is also the question as to whether punishment is necessary in the training of a sub/slave at all. There is no rule that says there must be punishment in a Master/slave or Dom/sub relationship. Some can envision a slave so instinctual she needs no punishment to serve flawlessly. And surely some subs/slaves can respond perfectly to praise alone. Different (flogger) strokes for different folks. But as The Punishment Manual is intended only for those Doms who use punishment as an integral part of their sub/slave training, the point is moot. There are two sides to the discipline coin – physical punishment and mental punishment. (Of course, there is a mental component to physical punishment; so when I refer to “mental punishment” I mean that which does not include any physical contact.) Physical punishment is the most obvious weapon in the Dominant’s training arsenal. But the Dom’s disapproval is also a powerful weapon — as is any number of mental punishments. “The pen is mightier than the sword” has its analogue in D/s – “the word is as mighty as the lash.” I have seen in my time, that a balanced combination of both physical and mental punishment, along with praise, to be the most effective way to train a submissive or slave. PHYSICAL PUNISHMENTS 1. Find the “butt-beating” implement that your submissive dislikes. If he/she hates the paddle, the cane or a particular flogger in your collection, use it. Look no further, you have found the perfect tool of discipline. When your submissive or slave commits an infraction that requires punishment, bring out the paddle or cane (or whatever implement is on the sub’s “un-wish” list) and administer punishment. But keep out wary eye out for signs that the submissive is actually enjoying the “punishment.” Make sure you do not let the submissive get into subspace. If you see the submissive hitting “space,” stop. And tell the submissive why you are stopping. Clever “bratty” subs have been known to misbehave in order to get a good beating. This might be fine for role-play, but is counter-productive if you are seriously trying to train a submissive or slave. If this is the case, switch to another form of punishment. 2.For very serious infractions, severe punishment might be in order. This, of course, is not to be attempted by beginners or those with new D/s relationships where the dynamics are not yet established. The cane is perfect for this kind of disciplining. A ball gag is also effective when severe punishment is called for. 3.Hair pulling is a great way to get your point across. Especially when verbal disapproval accompanies this action. A good hair pulling session with a “what did you do wrong” question and response routine is awfully effective. In the following pictures, the hair pulling is accompanied by a swat with the hairbrush! This is a lesson not soon forgotten! 4. A very popular punishment for a mouthy submissive is the age-old one of washing the mouth out with soap. This has worked for the last hundred years and will probably work for a hundred more! 5.Although I will cover humiliation as a mental punishment in Part Two, there are some physical punishments that can be humiliating. Being forced to wear a baby pacifier in public can be a reinforcing experience. The picture I have chosen here is one of a submissive wearing a butt plug with a ponytail. Being made to display this toy in public at a BDSM play party setting can be humiliating, depending on the situation. 6.“Sensory Deprivation” is perhaps the single most “unforgettable” punishment a Master/Mistress/Dom/Domme can mete out. Being tied and left alone – especially when ballgagged and even blindfolded — for a period of time is another punishment the submissive will not soon forget! 7.“Corporal Punishment” is a combination punishment – it encompasses both the physical and mental side. Corporal punishment can be altered in many ways – but the major point is the question and response during the punishment. For example — “Does sub/slave know why he/she is being punished?” “Yes, Sir/Ma’am. I have shamed Master/Mistress by (reciting offense).” You can incorporate this Q and A technique to just about any physical punishment. Here the submissive is chained to a spanking bench, which is ideal for administering corporal punishment. 8.A variation on the sensory deprivation theme is being kept in a cage. Depending on the submissive’s fears (if it is a hard limit, avoid this as a punishment), this can be the one thing the submissive fears most. Requiring the submissive to eat out of the bowl is another aspect of this punishment that can be quite humiliating. Again, the objective is to know and understand your submissive or slave. To repeat – if caging, eating out of a bowl or humiliation in general is a hard limit, this is not a punishment you should ever use. 9.There is really no limit on what you can use as punishment. Sometimes play that is enjoyable can be used as punishment when done in a disapproving manner or on another area of the body. For example, wax play on the buttocks might be one of your submissive?s favorite activities. But when applied to the breasts, she might hate it. In this case, use it! These are just a few examples of the types of physical punishments that can be used when training a submissive or a slave. MENTAL PUNISHMENTS The true aim of all punishment is to imprint your displeasure on the sub’s mind so that he/she will not repeat the offense. So ultimately all punishment has at its core a mental aspect to it. I have had some used on myself and others have been designed by other Doms i’ve spoken with. You should not confine yourself to those listed here. The only limit is your imagination and your understanding of your sub’s psyche. For example, I was once made and example of..i had to watch my least favorite movie of all time – the incredibly boring “Room With A View”, at one sitting with no breaks. Though its effects on my behavior proved to be of shorter duration than a session with the old cane! This adds fuel to the debate as to which is more effective – physical or mental punishment. The most important part of any punishment is the mental part. All physical punishments should be preceded by a lecture explaining what the submissive did to displease the Dom, Domme or Master. Explain what the submissive is being punished for. This is essential. I would also give the submissive a chance (if he/she so desires) to explain why he/she thinks the punishment is unwarranted. Most likely, this will turn into a brief excuse session. But keep an open mind. If you, as the Dominant, are mistaken or you misinterpreted the infraction, be big enough to admit it. You will grow in stature in the submissive?s eyes. The lecture is indispensable to the proper discipline of a submissive. It is as important as the penalty itself. These lectures or explanations should precede all punishments — whether physical or mental. There are some Doms who use the lecture as a punishment in and of itself. Some submissives respond strongly to disapproval. Since the object is to train the submissive, the Dominant should not need to use physical punishment — or more severe mental punishment — unless necessary. My father had an expression he used whenever he severely punished me (as a child…no jokes, my friends.) “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” This should apply in D/s as well. Use the least painful punishment (mental or physical) that will accomplish the task. If a lecture works — and that is all that is needed — by all means use that as your primary tool of discipline. The parent/child model holds true in that many punishments mimic those used in grade school. Requiring your submissive to hand write a given phrase – such as “I will not disrespect Master in public” — a hundred times (or more) works wonders. I know a Dominant who required his submissive to write, “I will not answer Master’s business phone with a Hello?” five hundred times. Since he did not specify “hand written,” she used the copy button on her computer. So make sure you specify “hand written.” (A clever sub was she!) Another old school punishment is the classic “dunce cap” routine. There are innumerable variations on it. Standing in the corner for a given period of time – an hour or two, for example – is one version. Making the submissive literally wear a homemade “dunce cap” (make the sub make it) is not only humiliating, it borders on the totally devious. Use this latter one with care since humiliation is not to be used for every submissive?s discipline. If humiliation is a hard limit, don?t go there. Even for discipline. Speaking of humiliation, punishment based on humiliation (if applicable) can be awesome. Making the submissive wear a baby pacifier in public is a humbling experience. If the submissive has been mouthy, an entire evening without being allowed to speak will do the trick. A very extreme humiliation – use with care – require the submissive to wear a sign stating her offense at a BDSM play party. Or just make the slave watch and not participate (if he/she likes to play publicly) at such a BDSM party. Yet another one – make the sub or slave eat out of a bowl on all fours like a dog. (But make sure the sub or slave does not like this; if he/she does, use another punishment.) Isolation is another mental punishment. Making the submissive stay in a small room or closet with no link to the outside world for a couple of hours can be maddening. And one a submissive might not ever wish to repeat. But make sure the submissive cannot sleep through it. Standing up can make sleep all but impossible. A less severe form of isolation – especially in the information age – is suspending the slave’s computer, email, telephone or television privileges. This is one form of isolation that is quite effective as a punishment. Complete sensory deprivation for a period of time is yet another variation on this isolation theme. Ball gagged, blindfolded in a dark room – add sleep deprivation (wake the sub/slave from time to time) and you have a totally diabolical punishment. Use with care. If your slave is trained for housework, then punishments such as re-folding towels that were done sloppily or being made to eat off dirty dishes that were improperly cleaned are widely used. The “let the punishment fit the crime” imperative is a wise one to follow. Then there are those unique punishments you devise yourself. These are the most fun. And the most bonding – because they are unique to your relationship. I was tied up in a room and played The Weather Channel LOUD for an hour. I hate the weather channel! I doubt if i live to a hundred i will ever forget that one. (hated that more than watching “Room With A View”!) Just keep in mind that even mental punishments can have their dangers. To repeat, never use a hard limit as a punishment. But if you use your imagination and maintain a sense of what is fair, the use of mental punishment to train a submissive or slave can be as effective as physical ones. And when used in combination with physical ones…WOW! Finally, no matter what punishments you have used, do not forget aftercare. A punishment session can be exhausting for the submissive, both physically and emotionally. Thus the same procedures for post-scene aftercare apply for mental punishment sessions as well.

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