Are dreams really our subconscious minds trying to tell us the things we really want? If they are, boy am i in trouble.

The wonderful thing about fantasy, day-dreaming and fantasizing is that it is safe. But then again isn't it that hint of danger or the fear of the unknown that makes our lives exciting.

Well that's enough of that.

Now about me. I am 44 and not bad looking in an average sort of way. Like most people i work for a living, which involve working long odd hours. I have quite a few friends and enjoy a good social life, but like most D/s enthusiasts who live vanilla lives something is missing.
I am not looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I actually like my life the way it is, and  enjoy being single.

I am in no hurry to meet anyone as i never rush headlong into anything.

So if you fancy dropping me a line, great. If not :) and good luck.

12/3/2008 4:40:27 PM
I wonder how many of us ever get to live our dream? How many of us will ever meet that one special person who will press all the right buttons and tick all the right boxes.
I am actually becoming quite despondent.
When i put my profiles up on collar me and ic personals i was full of enthusiasm and hope. Now i have neither.
I am coming to the conclusion that the worlds of d/s and bdsm are quite sad lonely places, filled with lots of dreamers (like me)
and very few doers.
Still i shall keep hoping, and see what tomorrows mail brings.