
I'm thoughtful, well read and well educated. I'm opinionated and politically pretty much liberal. I have done things in my life to promote that. I have lived in quite a few places around the country and visited quite a few places around the world.

I'm 57, as of this writing. I've been around the block a few times. I lead a reasonably comfortable life, and I support a few things that are important to me.
I have a degree in philosophy. This means I have a commodious capacity for bloviation, interspersed with flashes of perspicacity.

I am single. I have no children. I live alone. I am self-employed. I listen to music, I read quite a lot, I talk to and occasionally visit old friends. I eat out a lot. I have a fair number of local acquaintances.

George Clooney, Tim Tebow, Lebron James, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi: none of these people are central to my life. And I don't think I am to theirs. That's fine with me.

I am dominant. It is something that I have come to accept comfortably about myself, and you will need to as well. My particular style of dominance involves thinking about and encouraging my lover's best interests, amongst other aspects, so this can be an advantage. On the other hand, there will be rules.