
Yup, this is all about me. It's long compared to what you usually find in this section. It's short compared to what there is to know. Read away, this should give you enough to either want more, or want to run! Some say I am too blunt, some say too dogmatic. Some think I am funny. Some say weird. Some see a darkness they understand much more than they dare admit. They are all right. And they are all wrong. I think "in the box" like we all do. But I built my box with years of knowledge and experiences. I love my box. And it scares the heck out of many who look in. I am ok with that. I have reasons for everything I believe. I believe NOTHING simply because the masses or some "expert" says it is so, or simply because "thats what we do". I strive to be "Boaz the Berean". As soon as people learn that I am in these lifestyles, all sorts of preconceived notions well up. If our interaction is to be mutually beneficial, then you have to be willing to let go of what you *think* much of that means. I am dominant, not controlling. I am aggressive, not a bully. I am assertive, not mean. I am kind, not weak. I am intelligent, not egotistical. I am sadistic, not abusive. I am confident, not stubborn. I am discreet, not evasive. I learned about BDSM, as a lifestyle, from a man who had rarely ever seen the internet, before most of you had any idea what the internet was. I say that because anyone who has been introduced to this lifestyle via the internet, may have some things severely twisted, and think they "got it right". This is who I am. There is a lot to me, some will make you smile, some laugh, some question my sanity, some will make you cry, and some wonder wtf. I have a very entertaining memory, at least to me. The things I forget, and the things I remember, are comical! There is no logic to it, or if there is, I have forgotten what it is :) As such, I and more blunt, more brash, that most care for. I understand that. I have to say what I mean and mean what I say because otherwise, I might not know what I said from one minute to the next! It's ok if I am too much for some. I am just enough for a few, and just right for the One. I have been knowingly into the BDSM lifestyle for 12+ years, but have known since very young that I was naturally dominant. Adding to my BDSM nature, there is a very heavy dose of what is called "Taken In Hand" as well as a smattering of 50's household and a sprinkling of Victorian era as well. If the term "Taken In Hand" is a new concept, I encourage you to Google it. There is a wonderful website out there if u wish. I am also an ordained minister, Christian, and heavily rooted in the 66 book library that you know better as "The Bible", but most of my "peers" think I need more prayer and "saving" that Charles Manson! lol. It's ok, I do need prayer, just not for the reasons they think! I have many flaws. We all do. I just have the balls to not hide behind the Bible, as if it can somehow shield me from myself! It's cool, they have their opinions, and they are allowed to be wrong. It is a free country after all! I have some sadistic bends. Pain can be consensual. When it is, delivering it is the hottest thing I know. Pain is not always physical. And the hottest pain, to me, is the contrast and confusion a submissive experiences of extreme pleasure mated to extreme pain. The desire for it to stop, the need for it to continue. Yes, it takes work. No it can't be done rapidly. Yes it is worth the effort. I am a strange and (to me anyways) tasty brew of beliefs and opinions and kinks and likes and dislikes. There are many things that I am NOT into, and will not be into. There are some things I may entertain, but not make a regular part of my life. My kinks and how they play out in my life is, well, my life. Yours are yours. And it's all good. Your kinks don't have to be my kinks, or vice versa, for us to be friends. All we need is to respect each other, both in our differences and our similarities. And if you have made it to this point, I have to commend you for reading my profile fully. Thank you. Feel free to strike up a conversation. Who knows, maybe we're gonna be great friends!