Looking for an owner who wants a pig or cow. Need to be owned and kept in my place an animal, a thing. Take my humanity, trans me, dehumanize me.
12/5/2021 12:32:45 AM

i have no experience in what I seek. I want experience but, that cannot happen without actually living it.

Also, why do so many of you feel the need to be ugly and mean in your voice, demeanor and actions. I identify as a cow or as a pig that gets milked. Do you suppose that ranchers, farmers or those that work with an8mals think that brutally works with them? If you buy 8nto this dynamic, why do you feel that ugliness is necessary?


Finally, i ask tha people at least be original. "Message piggy, say oink". That will certainly cau me to message you back.

12/3/2021 3:32:36 PM

I spoke with an Owner from Arizona but, cannot find him.

 Age: 20