
RevolutionaryDom - photo 1
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RevolutionaryDom - photo 11
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RevolutionaryDom - photo 14

I decided to make this profile because I am seeking something unique. I am seeking a like minded sub, for a LTR situation. By like minded, I mean not only inside the lifestyle, but also outside as well. I am a non-violent advocate of world wide change. Revolution of the mind. I trace my political heritage straight through to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. I'm not a tea partier, although I do support some of their ideology. As it stands today, I'm not a libertarian either. I am a Constitutional fundamentalist!
I am an anti-central banker/counterfeiter. I am an anti-undeclared/unvoted on war(ior). I am anti corporatism. I am anti corporate welfare and anti monopolistic government protectionism. I am pro charity, pro freedom, pro liberty, pro gay marriage, pro individual rights. I am for religious freedom, economic freedom, and educational freedom. I am anti- government spying, torture and assassination. I am anti-bailouts. I am anti-federal bureaucracy. I am anti-foreign "aid". I am anti-military industrial complex (not military). I am anti CIA. I am anti DEA.
I am pro individuals rights. I am pro states rights to decide local matters. I am anti federal police intervening in local police matters. I am anti-protectionism. I am anti- federal subsidization of industry. I am anti-ultra-national organizations. I am anti-nation building. I am anti-World Bank and IMF. I am anti-corporate campaign finance. I am anti-corporate controlled media. I am anti-mandatory participation in "social programs" that rob me of my income.
I am pro-non profit organizations. I am pro consumer groups and watchdog organizations. I am pro wikileaks. I am pro electronic freedom. I am pro choice and pro life. I am pro-capitalism. I am pro profit. I am pro small business. I am anti-fiat currency. I am anti-government controlled currency monopolies. I am anti-war propaganda. I am anti-sanctions and anti-offensive war.
I am one of the 99% and I am a vet for Ron Paul as president. To shock the powers that be and give our government back to the people and restore peace and prosperity at home and abroad.
If I sound like you, or you are open minded enough to want to be shown what I see. Then you are what I am looking for, so please don't hesitate to send me a message.
Pictures available on request only.
11/25/2011 12:10:30 PM

Thanks for all the messages, I've already had some great debates and conversations.  Love the political and lifestyle talk, keep it coming. 

11/21/2011 5:36:57 PM

I am only seeking females, but I will talk to anyone about my political stances.  So yes, DUDES, that means don't be afraid, I won't bite your head off if you message me.  That will only happen if you hit on me, lol.

11/21/2011 3:23:07 PM

Where's my little revolutionary sub girl?  I'm looking for you, I fear you are lost.

11/21/2011 3:12:51 PM
Who here among us realizes that the money we’ve been given to use is valueless and has been so since 1973? Do any of us know that before 1973 we had a different form of currency?
Do any of us know that before 1973 our pieces of paper ‘money’ represented actual GOLD, and could be redeemed for gold on demand?
Who here realizes that the a PRIVATE BANK called the federal reserve was established in 1913, the same year the income tax was enforced on our nation?
Who here realizes that our government borrows money from the PRIVATE federal reserve bank(s) to pay for all its shit? Who here understands that if the federal reserve issues all our currency at interest and expects repayment in full, WE CAN NEVER GET OUT OF DEBT!?
Who here understands that war is financed by selling bonds to large private banking firms, via the federal reserve; and that paying the holders of these bonds interest on these monies collected are a burden shouldered pay the people for up to 30 years!
Who realizes that the people who pay for war are YOU! Even if you don’t pay any federal income tax, you pay eventually by paying higher prices for products when corporate taxes increase, or when government applies tariffs to imported goods.
YOU are the only source of income for the government to do what it does!  Chew on that.
 Age: 55
 Sacramento, California