
I'm human, and as far as I know, I'm here for a limited time, and so are you. Please don't waste the time we have. Follow your heart, do what you love, and find a place you can be happy... or content.
A Bit about me:
The vanilla world is incredibly stifling. I've never been good at following the rules, and one day long ago I stopped trying, and started making up my own rules. Life is good. I still interact with the vanilla world regularly, moslty for business. I'm always amazed at the superficial nature of most things. I went to a snooty school where they taught how to kiss ass, and that to get ahead you have to wear an expensive suit. I disagreed, instead focusing on the content of my character. Now those suits show up to meetings, and try to kiss my sandals and shorts wearing ass. I never set out to dominate situations, but I do always end up the leader. I am comfortable in that role, and I trust my judgement more than anyone elses so far.
A Bit about you:
I'm looking for someone who doesn't feel a burning need to conform to the norm. ...because frankly, the norm sucks. You're looking for someone who you can look up to, respect, and trust. You're not looking for someone to control you with fear. You enjoy it rough, and love to please those for whom you care. Yes... I rarely end a sentence with a preposition. ...although often I just slap a "foo" at the end. For instance, to please those you care for, foo'.
You either enjoy, or at least don't mind ridiculous jokes. You take care of yourself physically and mentally.
....and you wouldn't mind being fucked from behind with your face buried in a nice pair of tits.
11/10/2012 8:38:47 AM

I think its funny when people say on their profile, "No drama, please".


Uhh.... if you don't want drama, don't date anyone, silly.


If you do date someone.... or are even just friends with people... or even interact with anyone.... ever.... things aren't always going to go perfectly the way you want.


...just sayin.

11/1/2012 2:06:03 PM

So, I met this girl.... and she's absolutely gorgeous.  ...on the outside.  ...and such a vacuous moron on the inside!  AUGH!  What a waste!


Kids.  ....don't do drugs.  ...seriously.  Please.  You may not realize it, but there's a good chance you're getting dumber, more obnoxious, and more boring with every hit.

10/3/2012 6:07:51 AM

Nothing makes a person stupider, and more of a liability than when they think they're smarter than they are.

3/4/2012 11:46:39 AM

Sooo..... why is it that women will have several drawings or paintings of lean strong women on their profile, then when you get to the picture of them, they're frail and flabby.  I have nothing against anyone who chooses to spend life sitting down, but if you idealize the types of women in the pictures, become that.


Eat well, exercise.  If you can't get yourself to do it, find someone who can get you to.  ;-)  Be what you love.





2/5/2012 4:06:26 PM



I'm against violence.  Yes, I am strong, can defend myself, and have fists like cannonballs, but I see violence as what a weak person uses to control others.  It doesn't make anyone's life better.  When I see people yelling at eachother, and shaking their fists, I wonder why they are wasting so much energy on being angry.  With all that effort, they could have easily solved their problem 10 times.


Anger isn't the easy solution.  It is an exhausting solution.  ...and generally solves nothing.  Respect doesn't come from scaring someone.  Fear comes from that.  ...and/or pity.  Tyrant and leader are 2 different things.


Respect those around you, and only accept respectful response, and your life will become an oasis of sense, and contentment.





12/6/2011 6:37:17 PM

Fear of failure can be used for positive or negative results.

It can motivate you to succeed, or keep you from ever trying in the first place.

12/3/2011 4:45:01 PM

I've come to realize that I need a muse.


I was looking back on my life, and although I never thought about it in such deliberate terms, the happiest, most productive, most successful, and most creative times in my life were when I had woman to distract from the pieces of life that distract me.


Currently, things are fine.  By any measure, I would be considered very successful, except for one.  The measure against my own potential.  Having to waste energy on disregarding distractions takes away from things I do.  Somehow a woman can be in the path of such things, and even without her knowledge, can diffuse all kinds of stresses, and distractions leaving ones creativity to flourish unbounded.


I spose it makes sense that they made up a word for such a woman.  Muse.

 Age: 22
 Trawden, United Kingdom