
Dragonchaser1876 - photo 2

Gentlemen move on, you killed your chances long ago.

I'm Jasper, an im a touch lost in life right now..

I would like to find people who push my limits both in the lifestlye and my own life. Those who can help me focus and push me in the best direction for continued success.

Im open to alot, willing to learn, to listen and provide entertaining conversation as best i can, i truly enjoy making people laugh, an the more i get to know you the more i'll try.

I haven't had many chances to explore so im open to trying alot fetish wise, lets discuss it. I do think id find myself more connected to intense situations. I dont mind scary, its wickedly thrilling for me. I can do online or real life. I dont mind tasks, Just start slow, please.

Fair warning: I stuggle to keep focus at times and seem to struggle with some type of libido issue, im trying to figure it out.

Ladies, Im just an honest and supportive soul. Attempting to figure my self out and push myself further.